Sunday, May 27, 2007

Game Theory @ ISB

Prof Bruce Allen who shows us around the amusement park known as Economics in his fun filled but fast paced ride, taught us the Game Theory last week.

The Cournot
The Nash Equilibrium (I understood the Bar scene in The Beautiful Mind - in that lecture)
The Prisoner's dillema
etc etc

Now I am trying to relate this to the 'games' that we were playing in our Marketing Class. In our Marketing Class the Class participation (speaking and adding value in the class) is graded and thus there is a payoff for speaking in the class (as long as you make sense).

As per the Game Theory we all in the class were competitors who had a decision to make:

Should I speak or not? Do I have a valid point or not?

If I speak and do not have a valid point then others will counter me and I may lose out on the Class Participation (or so I thought at that time).

So many times, I think I held up my thoughts more because of shyness (now being in Business school you can call it Game Theory :))

.... now why am I writing all this at 2 am?
....... I need sleep
..........I need a life
..............I need a vodka maybe :)


Ravish said...

I assume that that you slogged for the whole night.

You should have taken vodka because after the vodka sleep wouldn't have eluded u..;)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.